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Sweets shop - Coney Island, Brooklyn, NY, 2012Avenue des Champs-Élysées & Arc de Triomphe - Paris, France, 2009Friends out for the night - Blue Note club, NYC, 2017Sydney Harbour Bridge - Sydney, Australia, 2009Harlem, NYC - 2012Paris, France - 2013Train - Lisbon, Portugal, 2019Harlem - NYC, 2012Venice, Italy - 2017Don Hill's bar - NYC, 2011Athens, Greece with Mount Parnitha in distance - 2011NYC - 2009Game room employee - NYC, 2016Food truck line - NYC, 2011Dancer at 1970's themed event - NYC, 2014Times Square - NYC, 2012Coney Island - Brooklyn, NY, 2011Dance Night at River Seine, Paris, France - 20131960's era Ford truck - Brooklyn, NY, 2014Marching band member on evening of having been in Veterans Day Parade - NYC, 2014